Yemen's Armed Forces Launch Six Retaliatory Operations, Targeting USS Dwight D. Eisenhower

Yemen's Armed Forces launched six retaliatory operations against US naval vessels and commercial ships in response to US aggression and Israel's actions in Gaza. The operations targeted the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier and other vessels, with Yemeni forces vowing to continue strikes until Israel ends its war on Gaza.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Yemen's Armed Forces Launch Six Retaliatory Operations, Targeting USS Dwight D. Eisenhower

Yemen's Armed Forces Launch Six Retaliatory Operations, Targeting USS Dwight D. Eisenhower

On Saturday, Yemen's Armed Forces announced six operations in response to US aggression and Israel's actions in Gaza. Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the spokesperson for Yemen's Armed Forces, outlined these operations, highlighting significant attacks on US naval vessels in the Red Sea.

Why this matters: The escalating tensions in the region and the involvement of international powers have significant implications for global security and stability. The continued attacks on naval vessels and commercial ships could disrupt maritime trade and lead to further conflict.

The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier was targeted with several ballistic missiles and drones. This marked the second attack on the vessel within 24 hours, following a previous strike on Friday involving multiple winged and ballistic missiles. Additionally, an American destroyer was also struck in the Red Sea using similar weaponry.

In a series of pro-Palestinian operations, Yemeni forces targeted four commercial ships for violating a ban imposed by Sanaa on Israeli vessels or those heading to ports in occupied Palestinian territories. The ships, identified as Maina, Aloraiq, and Abliani, were struck in the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Red Sea respectively.

These retaliatory actions followed airstrikes by American and British warplanes and US warships on the western Yemeni provinces of Sanaa, al-Hudaydah, and Taizz. These attacks resulted in at least 16 deaths and over 40 injuries. The Yemeni forces have enforced the ban on Israeli vessels since last October when Israel launched its war on Gaza, which has so far killed at least 36,379 Gazans, mostly women and children.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree emphasized the precision of the operations, stating, "All six operations hit their targets accurately and directly." He also vowed that the Armed Forces would continue their pro-Palestinian strikes as long as Israel maintained its war and siege on Gaza.

The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier strike group, which includes the USS Philippine Sea, USS Gravely, and USS Mason, has been stationed in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden for several months. Their mission is to protect military and commercial ships from Houthi rebel attacks. The strike group has been involved in routine operations against the Houthis, including five major joint missions with British forces to target the militant group's drones, missile launchers, and other facilities.

The ongoing conflict in Yemen, which began in 2014, has drawn in regional and international powers, with the Houthis receiving backing from Iran. The group has been attacking western-linked shipping in the Red Sea in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza since Israel launched a war on the Gaza Strip last October.

The operations highlight the escalating tensions in the region and the complex interplay of local and international forces involved. The continued presence of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and its strike group in the Red Sea highlights the strategic importance of the area and the ongoing efforts to secure maritime routes against Houthi threats.

Key Takeaways

  • Yemen's Armed Forces launched 6 operations in response to US aggression and Israel's actions in Gaza.
  • US naval vessels, including the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, were targeted with ballistic missiles and drones.
  • Four commercial ships were struck for violating a ban on Israeli vessels or those heading to occupied Palestinian territories.
  • The operations followed airstrikes by American and British warplanes on western Yemeni provinces, killing 16 and injuring 40.
  • The Yemeni forces vowed to continue pro-Palestinian strikes as long as Israel maintains its war and siege on Gaza.